How To Break Your Old Dog Of Bad Habits

3 min readMar 29, 2020


There are many benefits associated with training your dog. In addition to your dog’s behavior improving, you will be a better owner.

The article below is full of great advice to help you get started on training your pooch. You and your dog will enjoy and value this time.

Ensure that your dog gets enough activity. Dogs can get bored easily. Bored dogs are harder to train.

When your dog is exercised and is happy, training will be easier. Get out for some long walks and runs with your dog.

Consistency is really the secret to crate training puppies. As soon as you let your dog out of the crate, take him to his potty location.

As time passes, your puppy will start to be able to use the restroom at the appropriate times.

When you are house training your puppy, remember, what goes in, must come out.

In an effort to create regularity in your puppy, feed specific meals at specific times daily. That way, you will know when the dog likely needs to go out and can prevent accidents.

Be prepared to reward the dog as soon as it completes a positive behavior. You want your pet to know that you are pleased with his behavior.

This is a good way to make your dog know the difference between a good and bad thing.

You need to make certain your dog is having fun each day during training sessions.

By playing games with your dog, a strong bond will develop between the two of you, which helps the dog respond in a positive manner during training.

In addition to your daily training sessions, take time out for simple play. Make this uncomplicated and fun for your dog.

Primary reinforcement is a proven principle that is useful in training dogs. The dog has a reward they love given when they are good.

Some examples of primary reinforcements are food and rubbing the dog’s belly. When he likes the outcome, he’ll be more likely to follow your commands.

Use your puppy’s name often so that he knows to pay attention when you speak. By using his name all the time in the first month of having our dog, he should associate his name with focusing on you. Give your dog a relatively short name, preferably one that isn’t likely to be confused with other words.

Start your dog off on the right foot by installing good habits early on. Your dog should learn the right ways of doing things instead of developing bad habits that will need to be corrected later on. If your goal is to keep the dog from begging for table scraps, it is advisable to never give him any table scraps to begin with.

When house training your new puppy, accidents are likely to happen from time to time. Always clean up accidents right away to help with the training process and keeping the area sanitary.

Urine and feces smells will stay in the carpet if you don’t clean them up straight away, causing your dog to go back to the same place to do his business.

There are a wide variety of odor control products designed to address just this situation, so head to the pet shop and ask about them.

Training your dog is very beneficial for you and the pet. By using the tips in this article, you can have fun training your dog. Use the training time to help establish a close relationship with your dog.




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